31.01.-13.02.10, Nelson
Gill, Mike and I met Jeff and family both Sunday and Monday, going to the boat at the marina, but mostly at the house. Sunday afternoon we were all at the local beach which is very nice, sandy and large. In the evening I dragged Jeff and Mike to a pub to see the tennis final. They left long before the end and I took a taxi home at 12.15. Monday we were busy buying food and other things we needed for the Abel Tasman walk. I cooked an aubergine gratin in the evening for everybody making enough to take some with us for a later meal.
We have had more mixed weather for the last few days and at the moment, Saturday, 13th. 11.00, it is raining. On Tuesday, 9th. Gill and Mike wanted a rest day so I did an organized wine tour round Nelson which was very good and still sunny. Wednesday, 10th. we went to Haverlok for a sea food lunch and then visited Picton where there are 2 historic boats. No walking because it was cloudy and overcast. Gill and I did a short walk of 2hr. on Thursday, 11th. but it was still rather cloudy.
I leave for Christchurch early in the morning on Sunday, 14th.