4th July, Les Contamines 1167m – Col de la Croix du Bonhomme 2483m – Refuge Bonhomme, Col de la Croix 2443m, 5.25 h
From Les Contamines the route followed a course due South next to the Torrent le Bon Nant along forest tracks past the church of Notre Dame de la Gorge. Then an initial ascent brought us to the flat upper valley beyond La Rollaz and to the Refuge la Balme. At this point clouds had gathered and there was some rain, but we could complete the main part of the climb, reaching the Col du Bonhomme at 2,329m, without really getting wet. A traverse round to the Col de la Croix du Bonhomme at 2,479m across rocks, patches of snow and a rocky stream bed finished the climbing. There are fine new views to the South over the Beaufortain mountains, which were only partly blocked by cloud. I spent some time on the col waiting for the view to improve, before descending to the clearly visible Refuge Bonhomme (2,443m). The dinner in the rather cold hut could not be compared we our experience of the night before, but we nevertheless had an entertaining evening with some of the other guests.