25.01 Dalah, ferry across the Ayeyarwady and village life
In the morning before most of the others left for the airport we saw some more of the everyday life in Mayanmar, not all of which is so attractive. The local ferry took us across the Ayeyarwady to Dalah, a village on the opposite bank. The river is wide here so close to the sea and the ferry is large to accommodate the busy traffic it transports. No cars though, just people, bikes and motorbikes. Various refreshments mostly drinks and fruit are on offer both on and off the boat. On the other side one seemed far away from a big city. Some of the houses were on stilts along the edge of a smaller river in the delta surrounded by jungle and others were in a more open area across some paddy fields. They showed the primitive way many still live in Mayanmar, but the bikes and motorbikes were still much in evidence.