27.01 Kyaiktho 2, Golden Rock at sunrise and nearby market
We stayed the whole day up on top of the mountain, going again to the Golden Rock temple at dawn. Many people were there again industriously applying more gold leaf, but only by men. Women were not allowed in the enclosure immediately in front and could not reach it. The rock was surrounded by many subsidiary buildings of unclear function. Food was visible more as an offering than to be eaten and money in glass cases was much in evidence, presumably a collection. There were lots of groups and families who also liked to take photos and were quite happy to exchange shots.
Later we walked further along the ridge and down a short distance on the other side expecting to reach a village, but actually much of the route is lined with market stalls selling all sorts including strange parts of animals for Chinese medicine. They could have been props for the first scene of Macbeth. I did not go to the rock again at sunset, but spent the time sorting photos and writing in the hotel lobby.