30.01. Hpa-an 3, Bayin-Nyi cave with monkeys, return journey to Yangon
We now had quite a long drive back to Yangon covering the distance which had taken us two days on the outward journey. There was however still time for some sightseeing. The Bayin-Nyi cave with its small monastery was occupied by monkeys as well as the monks. The artificial lake was put to use by the monkeys which dived into the water from the surrounding rocks. They were of course also glad of any offerings from pilgrims or tourists.
On the return journey to Yangon we made some more photo stops and had hoped to see the sea at some point, but there did not seem to be any access roads to the coast. We had to be content with lying on the sand at the mouth of a river.
Back in Yangon we had another farewell meal with the reduced group and at dawn the next morning the three others went once again to the Schwedagon Pagoda, but I did not join them. I spent the time on the pleasant roof terrace of the Kaung Lay Inn reviewing the eventful journey and enjoying the tropical climate for the last time before returning to the winter of Switzerland.